While I still barely know what Im doing, this game is indeed pretty complex and the AI seems pretty competent.
At its heart, think of a game almost like Bridge with the weird twist that in each hand teams are chosen. Basically each hand starts with players bidding for the honor of being the "Chief" (this is the guy who will determine the main trump and is entitled to a bonus if he succeeds), the second place bidder is the "Vice" (this is the guy leading the opposition against the Chief and has the option of declaring a secondary trump). The Chief then chooses a partner (anyone but the Vice), and the rest of the players will help out the Vice in trying to stop that sneaky bastage of the Chief from succeeding with his bid. This twist of never knowing from hand to hand who youll be teaming up with is definitely unique.
Another very original concept in this game is how the game not only can have a Major (the Chiefs trump) and Minor (the Vices trump) trump, but either the Chief or Vice can declare either Color or Numeric trumps (if a numeric trump is declared, say "5", now all 5s become a separate suit unto themselves of equal rank with the first player to play this trump in the given trick the winner). This concept of two trumps can get weird, to be sure, especially if, say, the Chief calls Red and the Vice calls 7 as his trump. In such a case Red would be the major trump, all 7s the minor and the Red 7, the highest ranking trump of all!
Good mind expanding fun with my only gripe being that the game wont display your trick point total of your current hand so far. The dev said this omission is intentional but maybe if enough people whine about it he might work it into an update.
Lord Gek about Mü